Privacy Policy & Important Information


Any personal information provided by you is used and stored in accordance with the
Data Protection Act. GPDR
Copyright and all other rights are the property of Meliton Group, the official owner.
Copying the content of the site for any commercial or business use is strictly


Neither we nor the provider of the arrangements you have chosen can assume any
liability or pay compensation in the event of a Force major circumstances. Force
majeure is any event that we or the respective provider could not control or prevent.
Such events may include war or threat of war, civil unrest, natural or nuclear
disasters, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, fire, pandemic, adverse weather
conditions, unforeseen local buildings or road works by local government or other
national local authorities, unavoidable technical problems with transport, closure or
congestion of airports or ports, closure of borders, cancellation or change of schedule
by scheduled airlines and all similar circumstances beyond our control.


We cannot predict the state of the environment, which may change (changes due to
strong storms, rains, etc.)
Example: The condition of the beach may change due to various natural and
meteorological processes, such as the loss of some sand, waves carrying stones and
seaweed, the disappearance of part of the beach due to a major storm.
Also, local laws may change the conditions for private use of sunbeds and umbrellas
during the season. Please inform yourself before arriving about such changes.


If you need additional services during your stay, such as additional cleaning, catering,
supermarket delivery, etc., please let us know as early as possible from the date of
arrival. In general, at least 7-14 days before the date of arrival is required to arrange
additional services.
When you need additional services, we will direct you to our carefully selected local
Provider, but we are not responsible for its services.


You must adhere to the arrival and departure times that will be provided by the
provider. They are usually from 09.00 to 17.00 arrival and no later than 21.00 and
from 10.00 to 11.00 departure to allow accommodation on the same day.
Please inform us in case of delay. You may be charged if you do not arrive at the
agreed time and there is a big difference between the agreed time and your actual
Leaving the property is strictly determined by a specific time. All delays will be
charged with part of your guarantee amount.


By law, you are obliged to take all reasonable and proper care of the property,
including the garden and the pool, and leave them in the same condition in which you
found it.
In case of damage to property or equipment during the stay you are obliged to inform
the halkidikeys team as soon as possible and within 24 hours; if this is not possible,
you must contact us to report the damage.
You are obliged to leave the property in a clean and tidy condition. This includes
cleaning all cutlery and disposing of rubbish in rubbish bins or recycling outside the
property. Failure to comply with this condition may result in deduction of part of the
You agree to respect your area and not to disturb or irritate the occupants of
neighboring properties. You also agree not to make noise in excess of the
permissible limits. The provider reserves the right to enter the property in case of
problems related to the care of the property and to ask you to leave immediately if he
finds that it is in a neglected or damaged condition.


Neither we nor the provider of the arrangements of any liability for the loss of or
damage to any of your personal belongings and vehicles.
When leaving, make sure you take all your belongings with you. We are not
responsible for providing courier services. If this still happens, you can hire a courier
to send your belongings back.
Swimming pools
Swimming pools and jacuzzi carry risks in their use. Jumping high or diving while
drinking alcohol is prohibited. You should also look after young children when they
are near him.
You should check the pool every day before use and report any visible defects.
Bed linen and towels
Sunscreen, fake tan, waterproof makeup and hair dye – all can cause permanent
damage to bed linen and towels and we ask you to keep this in mind when using
these products. We recommend that if you plan to use such products during your
stay, that you bring your own spare bed linen and towels to prevent damage to
property. If damage / staining occurs and the items cannot be cleaned, a fee may be
charged from your Deposit.


Pets are allowed only with the prior written consent of the owner; he may charge an
additional accommodation fee when pets are allowed.
When pets have access to the property, they must be kept under control at all times
and are not allowed in the bedrooms or on the furniture. You are responsible for
damage caused by pets, whether inside or outside the property. If additional cleaning
of the property is required – the fee will be deducted from your guarantee.
